~courtesy of The Scranton Journal
Two young brothers from Churdan are among the state’s newest Master Pork Producers.
The Iowa Pork Producers Association selected Cale and Connor Juergensen as recipients of the 2016 award. They were presented a certificate of achievement and the coveted brass Master Pork Producer belt buckle at the Iowa Pork Congress Banquet in Des Moines on Jan. 25. A brief multi-media presentation of the Juergensen hog farm also was shown.

The brothers raise 25,000 head of wean-to-finish pigs per year on contract for AMVC Management Services. Along with their swine business, the brothers also have a small herd of 10 bred cows and one bull. Cale and Connor farm 450 acres of row crop that they rent from their grandparents. They are the fourth generation to manage and operate their family farm.
Cale, Connor and their mother Jill have managed the farm since the brother’s father Chris died in 2012. The family, including two younger brothers, handles the day-to-day duties of the operation. They utilize manure nutrients from their barns on 75 percent of their corn and soybean acres. They emphasize getting newly arrived pigs off to a good start by getting them up several times a day and mat feeding.
The Juergensen boys are active members of their church. Cale is an elder and usher. Connor is a trustee and usher. Cale is the Greene County Fair swine superintendent and Connor is vice president of the Greene County Fair board. Both are members of the Greene County Pork Producers and they both plan to be married this summer.
Cale received his associate’s degree in agriculture production from Iowa Lakes Community College in 2013. Connor received an associate’s degree in agricultural technology from Iowa Central Community College in 2013.
Nominated by their neighbors and peers, Master Pork Producers are recognized for their innovation, attention to quality, efficiency and production records within their farm enterprise. They are considered industry leaders who are committed to producing the highest quality pork products. Their operations are environmentally sound, they care about the livestock, are good neighbors and active in their community.
IPPA and Iowa State University have carefully selected Master Pork Producers every year since 1942.